Welcome to CodeIgniter
Installation Instructions
Downloading CodeIgniter
Installation Instructions
Upgrading From a Previous Version
CodeIgniter Overview
Getting Started
CodeIgniter at a Glance
Supported Features
Application Flow Chart
Architectural Goals
Static pages
News section
Create news items
Contributing to CodeIgniter
Writing CodeIgniter Documentation
Developer’s Certificate of Origin 1.1
General Topics
CodeIgniter URLs
Reserved Names
Using CodeIgniter Libraries
Creating Libraries
Using CodeIgniter Drivers
Creating Drivers
Creating Core System Classes
Creating Ancillary Classes
Hooks - Extending the Framework Core
Auto-loading Resources
Common Functions
Compatibility Functions
URI Routing
Error Handling
Profiling Your Application
Running via the CLI
Managing your Applications
Handling Multiple Environments
Alternate PHP Syntax for View Files
PHP Style Guide
Benchmarking Class
Caching Driver
Calendaring Class
Shopping Cart Class
Config Class
Email Class
Encrypt Class
Encryption Library
File Uploading Class
Form Validation
FTP Class
Image Manipulation Class
Input Class
Javascript Class
Language Class
Loader Class
Migrations Class
Output Class
Pagination Class
Template Parser Class
Security Class
Session Library
HTML Table Class
Trackback Class
Typography Class
Unit Testing Class
URI Class
User Agent Class
XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes
Zip Encoding Class
Database Reference
Quick Start: Usage Examples
Database Configuration
Connecting to a Database
Running Queries
Generating Query Results
Query Helper Functions
Query Builder Class
Getting MetaData
Custom Function Calls
Query Caching
Database Manipulation with Database Forge
Database Utilities Class
Database Driver Reference
Array Helper
Cookie Helper
Date Helper
Directory Helper
Download Helper
Email Helper
File Helper
Form Helper
HTML Helper
Inflector Helper
Language Helper
Number Helper
Path Helper
Security Helper
Smiley Helper
String Helper
Text Helper
Typography Helper
URL Helper
XML Helper
Welcome to CodeIgniter
Installation Instructions
Downloading CodeIgniter
Installation Instructions
Upgrading From a Previous Version
CodeIgniter Overview
Getting Started
CodeIgniter at a Glance
Supported Features
Application Flow Chart
Architectural Goals
Static pages
News section
Create news items
Contributing to CodeIgniter
Writing CodeIgniter Documentation
Developer’s Certificate of Origin 1.1
General Topics
CodeIgniter URLs
Reserved Names
Using CodeIgniter Libraries
Creating Libraries
Using CodeIgniter Drivers
Creating Drivers
Creating Core System Classes
Creating Ancillary Classes
Hooks - Extending the Framework Core
Auto-loading Resources
Common Functions
Compatibility Functions
URI Routing
Error Handling
Profiling Your Application
Running via the CLI
Managing your Applications
Handling Multiple Environments
Alternate PHP Syntax for View Files
PHP Style Guide
Benchmarking Class
Caching Driver
Calendaring Class
Shopping Cart Class
Config Class
Email Class
Encrypt Class
Encryption Library
File Uploading Class
Form Validation
FTP Class
Image Manipulation Class
Input Class
Javascript Class
Language Class
Loader Class
Migrations Class
Output Class
Pagination Class
Template Parser Class
Security Class
Session Library
HTML Table Class
Trackback Class
Typography Class
Unit Testing Class
URI Class
User Agent Class
XML-RPC and XML-RPC Server Classes
Zip Encoding Class
Database Reference
Quick Start: Usage Examples
Database Configuration
Connecting to a Database
Running Queries
Generating Query Results
Query Helper Functions
Query Builder Class
Getting MetaData
Custom Function Calls
Query Caching
Database Manipulation with Database Forge
Database Utilities Class
Database Driver Reference
Array Helper
Cookie Helper
Date Helper
Directory Helper
Download Helper
Email Helper
File Helper
Form Helper
HTML Helper
Inflector Helper
Language Helper
Number Helper
Path Helper
Security Helper
Smiley Helper
String Helper
Text Helper
Typography Helper
URL Helper
XML Helper
__get() (CI_Session method)
__set() (CI_Session method)
_display() (CI_Output method)
accept_charset() (CI_User_agent method)
accept_lang() (CI_User_agent method)
active() (CI_Unit_test method)
add_column() (CI_DB_forge method)
add_data() (CI_Zip method)
add_dir() (CI_Zip method)
add_field() (CI_DB_forge method)
add_key() (CI_DB_forge method)
add_package_path() (CI_Loader method)
add_row() (CI_Table method)
adjust_date() (CI_Calendar method)
agent_string() (CI_User_agent method)
all_userdata() (CI_Session method)
alternator() (global function)
anchor() (global function)
anchor_popup() (global function)
append_output() (CI_Output method)
archive() (CI_Zip method)
array_column() (global function)
array_replace() (global function)
array_replace_recursive() (global function)
ascii_to_entities() (global function)
assoc_to_uri() (CI_URI method)
attach() (CI_Email method)
attachment_cid() (CI_Email method)
auto_link() (global function)
auto_typography() (global function)
backup() (CI_DB_utility method)
base_url() (CI_Config method)
(global function)
bcc() (CI_Email method)
br() (global function)
browser() (CI_User_agent method)
byte_format() (global function)
cache() (CI_Output method)
cache_delete() (CI_DB_driver method)
cache_delete_all() (CI_DB_driver method)
cache_info() (CI_Cache method)
cache_off() (CI_DB_driver method)
cache_on() (CI_DB_driver method)
cache_set_path() (CI_DB_driver method)
call_function() (CI_DB_driver method)
camelize() (global function)
cc() (CI_Email method)
changedir() (CI_FTP method)
character_limiter() (global function)
charsets() (CI_User_agent method)
chmod() (CI_FTP method)
CI_Benchmark (class)
CI_Cache (class)
CI_Calendar (class)
CI_Cart (class)
CI_Config (class)
CI_DB_driver (class)
CI_DB_forge (class)
CI_DB_query_builder (class)
CI_DB_result (class)
CI_DB_utility (class)
CI_Email (class)
CI_Encrypt (class)
CI_Encryption (class)
CI_Form_validation (class)
CI_FTP (class)
CI_Image_lib (class)
CI_Input (class)
CI_Lang (class)
CI_Loader (class)
CI_Migration (class)
CI_Output (class)
CI_Pagination (class)
CI_Parser (class)
CI_Security (class)
CI_Session (class)
CI_Table (class)
CI_Trackback (class)
CI_Typography (class)
CI_Unit_test (class)
CI_Upload (class)
CI_URI (class)
CI_User_agent (class)
CI_Xmlrpc (class)
CI_Zip (class)
clean() (CI_Cache method)
clear() (CI_Email method)
(CI_Image_lib method)
(CI_Table method)
clear_data() (CI_Zip method)
clear_vars() (CI_Loader method)
close() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_FTP method)
compile_binds() (CI_DB_driver method)
config() (CI_Loader method)
config_item() (global function)
connect() (CI_FTP method)
contents() (CI_Cart method)
convert_accented_characters() (global function)
convert_ascii() (CI_Trackback method)
convert_xml() (CI_Trackback method)
cookie() (CI_Input method)
count_all() (CI_DB_driver method)
count_all_results() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
create_captcha() (global function)
create_database() (CI_DB_forge method)
create_key() (CI_Encryption method)
create_links() (CI_Pagination method)
create_table() (CI_DB_forge method)
crop() (CI_Image_lib method)
csv_from_result() (CI_DB_utility method)
current() (CI_Migration method)
current_url() (global function)
custom_result_object() (CI_DB_result method)
custom_row_object() (CI_DB_result method)
data() (CI_Trackback method)
(CI_Upload method)
data_seek() (CI_DB_result method)
database() (CI_Loader method)
database_exists() (CI_DB_utility method)
date_range() (global function)
days_in_month() (global function)
db_connect() (CI_DB_driver method)
db_pconnect() (CI_DB_driver method)
db_select() (CI_DB_driver method)
db_set_charset() (CI_DB_driver method)
dbforge() (CI_Loader method)
dbprefix() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
dbutil() (CI_Loader method)
decode() (CI_Encrypt method)
decrement() (CI_Cache method)
decrypt() (CI_Encryption method)
default_template() (CI_Calendar method)
delete() (CI_Cache method)
(CI_DB_query_builder method)
delete_dir() (CI_FTP method)
delete_file() (CI_FTP method)
delete_files() (global function)
destroy() (CI_Cart method)
directory_map() (global function)
display_error() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_Xmlrpc method)
display_errors() (CI_Image_lib method)
(CI_Trackback method)
(CI_Upload method)
display_response() (CI_Xmlrpc method)
distinct() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
do_hash() (global function)
do_upload() (CI_Upload method)
doctype() (global function)
download() (CI_FTP method)
(CI_Zip method)
driver() (CI_Loader method)
drop_column() (CI_DB_forge method)
drop_database() (CI_DB_forge method)
drop_table() (CI_DB_forge method)
elapsed_time() (CI_Benchmark method)
(CI_DB_driver method)
element() (global function)
elements() (global function)
ellipsize() (global function)
empty_table() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
enable_profiler() (CI_Output method)
encode() (CI_Encrypt method)
encode_from_legacy() (CI_Encrypt method)
encode_php_tags() (global function)
encrypt() (CI_Encryption method)
entity_decode() (CI_Security method)
(global function)
error() (CI_Form_validation method)
error_array() (CI_Form_validation method)
error_string() (CI_Form_validation method)
(CI_Migration method)
escape() (CI_DB_driver method)
escape_identifiers() (CI_DB_driver method)
escape_like_str() (CI_DB_driver method)
escape_str() (CI_DB_driver method)
extract_urls() (CI_Trackback method)
field_data() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_DB_result method)
field_exists() (CI_DB_driver method)
file() (CI_Loader method)
find_migrations() (CI_Migration method)
first_row() (CI_DB_result method)
flashdata() (CI_Session method)
flush_cache() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
force_download() (global function)
form_button() (global function)
form_checkbox() (global function)
form_close() (global function)
form_dropdown() (global function)
form_error() (global function)
form_fieldset() (global function)
form_fieldset_close() (global function)
form_hidden() (global function)
form_label() (global function)
form_multiselect() (global function)
form_open() (global function)
form_password() (global function)
form_prep() (global function)
form_radio() (global function)
form_reset() (global function)
form_submit() (global function)
form_textarea() (global function)
form_upload() (global function)
format_characters() (CI_Typography method)
free_result() (CI_DB_result method)
from() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
(CI_Email method)
function_usable() (global function)
generate() (CI_Calendar method)
(CI_Table method)
get() (CI_Cache method)
(CI_DB_query_builder method)
(CI_Input method)
get_clickable_smileys() (global function)
get_compiled_delete() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
get_compiled_insert() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
get_compiled_select() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
get_compiled_update() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
get_content_type() (CI_Output method)
get_csrf_hash() (CI_Security method)
get_csrf_token_name() (CI_Security method)
get_day_names() (CI_Calendar method)
get_dir_file_info() (global function)
get_file_info() (global function)
get_filenames() (global function)
get_flash_keys() (CI_Session method)
get_header() (CI_Output method)
get_id() (CI_Trackback method)
get_instance() (global function)
get_item() (CI_Cart method)
get_metadata() (CI_Cache method)
get_mime_by_extension() (global function)
get_mimes() (global function)
get_month_name() (CI_Calendar method)
get_output() (CI_Output method)
get_package_paths() (CI_Loader method)
get_post() (CI_Input method)
get_random_bytes() (CI_Security method)
get_request_header() (CI_Input method)
get_temp_keys() (CI_Session method)
get_total_days() (CI_Calendar method)
get_var() (CI_Loader method)
get_vars() (CI_Loader method)
get_where() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
get_zip() (CI_Zip method)
gmt_to_local() (global function)
group_by() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
group_end() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
group_start() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
has_options() (CI_Cart method)
has_rule() (CI_Form_validation method)
has_userdata() (CI_Session method)
hash_equals() (global function)
hash_pbkdf2() (global function)
having() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
heading() (global function)
helper() (CI_Loader method)
hex2bin() (global function)
highlight_code() (global function)
highlight_phrase() (global function)
hkdf() (CI_Encryption method)
html_escape() (global function)
human_to_unix() (global function)
humanize() (global function)
img() (global function)
increment() (CI_Cache method)
increment_string() (global function)
index_page() (global function)
initialize() (CI_Calendar method)
(CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_Encryption method)
(CI_Image_lib method)
(CI_Pagination method)
(CI_Upload method)
(CI_Xmlrpc method)
input_stream() (CI_Input method)
insert() (CI_Cart method)
(CI_DB_query_builder method)
insert_batch() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
insert_string() (CI_DB_driver method)
ip_address() (CI_Input method)
is_ajax_request() (CI_Input method)
is_browser() (CI_User_agent method)
is_cli() (global function)
is_cli_request() (CI_Input method)
is_countable() (global function)
is_https() (global function)
is_loaded() (CI_Loader method)
is_mobile() (CI_User_agent method)
is_php() (global function)
is_really_writable() (global function)
is_referral() (CI_User_agent method)
is_robot() (CI_User_agent method)
is_supported() (CI_Cache method)
is_write_type() (CI_DB_driver method)
item() (CI_Config method)
join() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
keep_flashdata() (CI_Session method)
lang() (global function)
language() (CI_Loader method)
languages() (CI_User_agent method)
last_query() (CI_DB_driver method)
last_row() (CI_DB_result method)
latest() (CI_Migration method)
library() (CI_Loader method)
like() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
limit() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
limit_characters() (CI_Trackback method)
line() (CI_Lang method)
link_tag() (global function)
list_databases() (CI_DB_utility method)
list_fields() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_DB_result method)
list_files() (CI_FTP method)
list_tables() (CI_DB_driver method)
load() (CI_Config method)
(CI_Lang method)
local_to_gmt() (global function)
log_message() (global function)
mailto() (global function)
make_columns() (CI_Table method)
mark() (CI_Benchmark method)
mark_as_flash() (CI_Session method)
mark_as_temp() (CI_Session method)
mb_strlen() (global function)
mb_strpos() (global function)
mb_substr() (global function)
mdate() (global function)
memory_usage() (CI_Benchmark method)
message() (CI_Email method)
meta() (global function)
method() (CI_Input method)
(CI_Xmlrpc method)
mirror() (CI_FTP method)
mkdir() (CI_FTP method)
mobile() (CI_User_agent method)
model() (CI_Loader method)
modify_column() (CI_DB_forge method)
move() (CI_FTP method)
mysql_to_unix() (global function)
nbs() (global function)
next_row() (CI_DB_result method)
nice_date() (global function)
nl2br_except_pre() (CI_Typography method)
(global function)
not_group_start() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
not_like() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
now() (global function)
num_fields() (CI_DB_result method)
num_rows() (CI_DB_result method)
octal_permissions() (global function)
offset() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
ol() (global function)
optimize_database() (CI_DB_utility method)
optimize_table() (CI_DB_utility method)
or_group_start() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_having() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_like() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_not_group_start() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_not_like() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_where() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_where_in() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
or_where_not_in() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
order_by() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
parse() (CI_Parser method)
(CI_User_agent method)
parse_smileys() (global function)
parse_string() (CI_Parser method)
parse_template() (CI_Calendar method)
password_get_info() (global function)
password_hash() (global function)
password_needs_rehash() (global function)
password_verify() (global function)
platform() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_User_agent method)
plural() (global function)
post() (CI_Input method)
post_get() (CI_Input method)
prep_url() (global function)
previous_row() (CI_DB_result method)
primary() (CI_DB_driver method)
print_debugger() (CI_Email method)
process() (CI_Trackback method)
product_options() (CI_Cart method)
protect_identifiers() (CI_DB_driver method)
quoted_printable_encode() (global function)
quotes_to_entities() (global function)
random_element() (global function)
random_string() (global function)
read_dir() (CI_Zip method)
read_file() (CI_Zip method)
(global function)
receive() (CI_Trackback method)
reconnect() (CI_DB_driver method)
redirect() (global function)
reduce_double_slashes() (global function)
reduce_multiples() (global function)
referrer() (CI_User_agent method)
remove() (CI_Cart method)
remove_invisible_characters() (global function)
remove_package_path() (CI_Loader method)
rename() (CI_FTP method)
rename_table() (CI_DB_forge method)
repair_table() (CI_DB_utility method)
repeater() (global function)
replace() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
reply_to() (CI_Email method)
report() (CI_Unit_test method)
request() (CI_Xmlrpc method)
request_headers() (CI_Input method)
reset_query() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
reset_validation() (CI_Form_validation method)
resize() (CI_Image_lib method)
result() (CI_DB_result method)
(CI_Unit_test method)
result_array() (CI_DB_result method)
result_object() (CI_DB_result method)
robot() (CI_User_agent method)
rotate() (CI_Image_lib method)
row() (CI_DB_result method)
row_array() (CI_DB_result method)
row_object() (CI_DB_result method)
rsegment() (CI_URI method)
rsegment_array() (CI_URI method)
run() (CI_Form_validation method)
(CI_Unit_test method)
ruri_string() (CI_URI method)
ruri_to_assoc() (CI_URI method)
safe_mailto() (global function)
sanitize_filename() (CI_Security method)
(global function)
save() (CI_Cache method)
segment() (CI_URI method)
segment_array() (CI_URI method)
select() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
select_avg() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
select_max() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
select_min() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
select_sum() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
send() (CI_Email method)
(CI_Trackback method)
send_email() (global function)
send_error_message() (CI_Xmlrpc method)
send_request() (CI_Xmlrpc method)
send_success() (CI_Trackback method)
server() (CI_Input method)
(CI_Xmlrpc method)
sess_destroy() (CI_Session method)
sess_regenerate() (CI_Session method)
set() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
set_alt_message() (CI_Email method)
set_caption() (CI_Table method)
set_checkbox() (global function)
set_cipher() (CI_Encrypt method)
set_content_type() (CI_Output method)
set_cookie() (CI_Input method)
set_data() (CI_Form_validation method)
set_dbprefix() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
set_delimiters() (CI_Parser method)
set_empty() (CI_Table method)
set_error() (CI_Trackback method)
set_error_delimiters() (CI_Form_validation method)
set_flashdata() (CI_Session method)
set_header() (CI_Email method)
(CI_Output method)
set_heading() (CI_Table method)
set_insert_batch() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
set_item() (CI_Config method)
set_message() (CI_Form_validation method)
set_mode() (CI_Encrypt method)
set_output() (CI_Output method)
set_profiler_sections() (CI_Output method)
set_radio() (global function)
set_realpath() (global function)
set_row() (CI_DB_result method)
set_rules() (CI_Form_validation method)
set_select() (global function)
set_status_header() (CI_Output method)
(global function)
set_tempdata() (CI_Session method)
set_template() (CI_Table method)
(CI_Unit_test method)
set_test_items() (CI_Unit_test method)
set_update_batch() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
set_userdata() (CI_Session method)
set_value() (global function)
should_do_something() (Some_class method)
show_404() (global function)
show_error() (global function)
simple_query() (CI_DB_driver method)
singular() (global function)
site_url() (CI_Config method)
(global function)
slash_item() (CI_Config method)
slash_rsegment() (CI_URI method)
slash_segment() (CI_URI method)
smiley_js() (global function)
Some_class (class)
some_method() (Some_class method)
standard_date() (global function)
start_cache() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
stop_cache() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
strip_image_tags() (global function)
strip_quotes() (global function)
strip_slashes() (global function)
subject() (CI_Email method)
symbolic_permissions() (global function)
system_url() (CI_Config method)
table_exists() (CI_DB_driver method)
tempdata() (CI_Session method)
timeout() (CI_Xmlrpc method)
timespan() (global function)
timezone_menu() (global function)
timezones() (global function)
to() (CI_Email method)
total() (CI_Cart method)
total_items() (CI_Cart method)
total_queries() (CI_DB_driver method)
total_rsegments() (CI_URI method)
total_segments() (CI_URI method)
trans_complete() (CI_DB_driver method)
trans_off() (CI_DB_driver method)
trans_start() (CI_DB_driver method)
trans_status() (CI_DB_driver method)
trans_strict() (CI_DB_driver method)
trim_slashes() (global function)
truncate() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
ul() (global function)
umark_flash() (CI_Session method)
umark_temp() (CI_Session method)
unbuffered_row() (CI_DB_result method)
underscore() (global function)
unix_to_human() (global function)
unset_userdata() (CI_Session method)
update() (CI_Cart method)
(CI_DB_query_builder method)
update_batch() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
update_string() (CI_DB_driver method)
upload() (CI_FTP method)
uri_string() (CI_URI method)
(global function)
uri_to_assoc() (CI_URI method)
url_title() (global function)
use_strict() (CI_Unit_test method)
user_agent() (CI_Input method)
userdata() (CI_Session method)
valid_email() (global function)
valid_ip() (CI_Input method)
validate_url() (CI_Trackback method)
validation_errors() (global function)
vars() (CI_Loader method)
version() (CI_DB_driver method)
(CI_Migration method)
(CI_User_agent method)
view() (CI_Loader method)
watermark() (CI_Image_lib method)
where() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
where_in() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
where_not_in() (CI_DB_query_builder method)
word_censor() (global function)
word_limiter() (global function)
word_wrap() (global function)
write_file() (global function)
xml_convert() (global function)
xml_from_result() (CI_DB_utility method)
xss_clean() (CI_Security method)
(global function)